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by Thainus
Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:32 am
Forum: The Archives
Topic: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Janet Jackson comments and Xtina likes it
Replies: 2042
Views: 70504

Re: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Can you guys confirm what I see?
In the comments section of her latest instagram pic (the baby) most comments, or at least the most liked ones, seem to be positive messages about Christina, or people telling Shitney that she made a mistake.

Is that real? Or is it just because I've liked every positive comment about Christina?
by Thainus
Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:14 am
Forum: The Archives
Topic: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Janet Jackson comments and Xtina likes it
Replies: 2042
Views: 70504

Re: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

dinvy wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:31 pm

More and more people are pointing out how ridiculous it is for Shitney and her fans to expect Christina to talk extensively about the topic.

And of course, since they don't have a valid reason to hate on christina they're jumping right into conspiracy theories. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow they decide to go with "Christina was behind the conservatorship!"
by Thainus
Sun Nov 21, 2021 1:39 pm
Forum: The Archives
Topic: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Janet Jackson comments and Xtina likes it
Replies: 2042
Views: 70504

Re: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Aioros wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:56 pm
Desnudate wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:29 pm
Aioros wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:01 pm Can someone please tell me what her fans are saying now that this shit backfired?
Some fans are saying this is PR and a Collaboration is coming.

Another fans are saying If Britney did that probably there's more behind escenes.

Another fans are saying Christina is fake as fuck because that latter she posted before it wasn't her but her team to get clout and know in person she showed her true colors.

Another fans are shocked and confused.

Those people are irrational as hell

Seems like they’re blaming everyone but Brit. What a shame.
I mean, what else is new?
That fandom is known for twisting their delusion to the limits of reality.

These are the same people saying that if Shitney hadn't been forced to use the baby voice, she'd sing better than Christina. The ones saying that the entire industry was plotting against her and they didn't do anything to stop her conservatorship because they didn't want her to become too successful and they were jealous. The ones blaming her family, her exes, the media, other artists for letting Shitney fall into a deep hole and looking away while she had measures taken against her. And more shit like that.

They always find someone else to blame for their fave's poor life choices. So of course they'll come out with bullshit like "Britney wouldn't react like this if there weren't real reasons, and Christina probably knew more than she shows. Surely something happened behind closed doors, and they were secretly the bestest of friends and now Britney feels betrayed. Poor thing, please understand her! Christina and Britney's father are plotting against her! "
by Thainus
Sun Nov 21, 2021 9:47 am
Forum: The Archives
Topic: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Janet Jackson comments and Xtina likes it
Replies: 2042
Views: 70504

Re: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

grrfrrtrr wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 9:02 am I'm really happy that Christina got so much support and defense, even from people who aren't fans. She deserves it!

Brit Brit shot herself in the foot. I hope she apologizes to Christina, even if it's in private and we never find out about it.
If Methney apologizes, she better do it in public.
She started this mess because she couldn't bother to check her facts before snapping against someone who has repeatedly supported her.

Although most people are calling her out, there are still so many that want to stir this shit up for clicks. And Christina gets dragged into this drama, receives hate and has to go through a feud that she spent YEARS trying to squash. In every interview she did over the last ten years she made sure to share her support and love for the methhead, she emphasized she would like to reunite, etc etc, and all that gets thrown out by that girl's tantrum.

This is not an "oops, I melted-down again" moment. It has real consequences for Christina, who is now starting to promote a new album she waited 20 years to release.

Fuck Britney. If she wants to apologize, she better do it in public. Until she shows she can be a decent grown up woman, I'll continue to think of her as a piece of shit that shouldn't even have been given a phone.
by Thainus
Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:26 am
Forum: The Archives
Topic: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Janet Jackson comments and Xtina likes it
Replies: 2042
Views: 70504

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

CRUNK. wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:22 am Im Shocked! Britney is so stupid!
Are you?
I'm not. We knew she was going to be trashy the moment she got her own iPhone. I'm surprised she learned to use it this quickly.
by Thainus
Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:07 am
Forum: The Archives
Topic: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Janet Jackson comments and Xtina likes it
Replies: 2042
Views: 70504

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

AintNoOtherMe! wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 7:44 am It’s just one big misunderstanding. I don’t want two living legends to fight with each other. I love them both so much

I'm tired of reading things like "it's just a misunderstanding..." or "it's the media influence..." or "Britney didn't know"

Fuck that. It's not just a misunderstanding, it's literally one person picking on another one for some petty schoolgirl shit. This is straight out of a CW show. And it's affecting Christina. Go and check how much hate she's receiving.

Was it also just a misunderstanding when people didn't get the Madonna references and accused Christina of copying Gaga? Was it also just a misunderstanding when Christina's tan spray ran down her leg at Etta James funeral and people said she was on her period? I'm tired of Christina being the target of "misunderstandings" that paint her in a negative light, especially when they're started by OTHER WOMEN IN THE BUSINESS who should know better.

I'm done cutting Britney any slack, she's not a poor lost child that wasn't allowed to grow up, like some fucking twisted Peter Pan on meds. She started this on her own volition. She is free now, so she should be free to educate herself and Google who are those who really supported her vs those who just do it when they are promoting shit. And stop stirring shit against other women.

This is not a misunderstanding. She knew what she was doing when she clicked that button. Fuck her, she deserves everything wrong that's happening to her
by Thainus
Sat Nov 20, 2021 7:29 am
Forum: The Archives
Topic: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Janet Jackson comments and Xtina likes it
Replies: 2042
Views: 70504

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

I hope Christina's management doesn't ignore this.

Their tactic of "stay quiet and wait for people to forget about the drama" has never worked. It ends up solidifying whatever lie is going around at the time, just because they won't respond.

I hope Christina replies something, like a video message or whatever, stating her support but validating Britney's feelings, and just ending at that. Never allowing any question about Britney in her interviews from now on, she has already mentioned her name so many times in a positive light. Meanwhile Britney hasn't acknowledged Christina at all except for drama. Fuck her, and I hope she gets her pills back.
by Thainus
Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:30 pm
Forum: The Archives
Topic: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Janet Jackson comments and Xtina likes it
Replies: 2042
Views: 70504

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram

grrfrrtrr wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:27 pm Britney took what X did the wrong way, and it's sad altogether. I hope they can talk it out privately, if Brit's mental condition doesn't prevent her from seeing this clearly. :(
Don't use someone's mental health to justify them being egotistical assholes.

Whatever she's going through, it sucks, but it doesn't give her the right to go off and be a total cunt like she's a 14 year old schoolgirl.

Britney is not a girl anymore and people need to stop defending her and protecting her like she's a fucking baby. She's a grown ass woman and she should act as such.
by Thainus
Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:28 pm
Forum: The Archives
Topic: "Toxic" lipsyncer shades Xtina in instagram, Janet Jackson comments and Xtina likes it
Replies: 2042
Views: 70504

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram

"yes, I do matter"

Fucking petty bitch. She loves being the victim, the center of attention. Fuck her. This makes me wonder whether the "happy birthday Fausto" from a few weeks ago was actually on purpose.

She deserves being treated like a nut job and a charity case.