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Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:07 am
by Kanyextina
Fuck her. We fukin dont care

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:07 am
by AintNoOtherMe!
Living legend shouldn’t have posted about Gaga right after, it made Christina look bad and I guess this was her intention. Christina can’t catch a break!

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:08 am
by BYC
As far as I’m concerned Christina won this already. As I said earlier, LSA will drag Queen at any given moment and my post there with her open letter has over 300 likes and the comments are in her favor. That’s never happened. My thought this morning is that Christina should stay quiet as she always does and ban any future questions about this nutcase.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:14 am
by ChicoXtina
Just seen this. My god. My jaw is legit on the floor. I agree with those that X should stay quite. If anything is gonna be said it needs to be from Roc Nation via a statement. I can only imagine the phones calls that have happened today between X, management and her team. Bless her, she’s probably hungover as fuck after last nights celebrations.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:16 am
by Yummy
AintNoOtherMe! wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:07 am The fugly cunt with far eyes apart like Halle Bailey shouldn’t have posted about Gaga right after, it made Christina look bad and I guess this was her intention. Christina can’t catch a break!

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:17 am
by Angelopoulopoulous
Camtina2 wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:03 am Nathy is a RIDE OR DIE. She posted AGAIN about the Latin Grammy performance on her Twitter and IG.

Will forever Stan.
I adore her!

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:18 am
by Agugaga
wellokaythen wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:05 am
Anitta wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:57 am I can't believe she did this. It's like Christina and us can't catch a break.
Xtina and Fighters can never win....this is going to be such a negative PR news cycle for Christina because everyone feels sorry for Britney over the conservatorship thing and (rightly) perceives her as a victim, so they'll automatically assume Britney's telling the truth. The reality of the situation won't matter.

If Britney ever admits she was wrong about Xtina not supporting her, the story of her admitting she was wrong will be read be literally 5% of the people who saw the original "Britney slams Xtina" story. So the damage has already been done. :(
The comments on social media have been in favor of Xtina. I’m a firm believer that the truth will prevail no matter how the headlines spin it.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:19 am
by AS
I need Christina to reply, and annihilate her with her response asap.

If y'all think this is not something worth acknowledging, you are dead wrong. It's everywhere and once again X is the public enemy.

Enough with taking the high road, stand up for yourself X, since no one else will do it for you. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:21 am
by Angelopoulopoulous
ChicoXtina wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:14 am Just seen this. My god. My jaw is legit on the floor. I agree with those that X should stay quite. If anything is gonna be said it needs to be from Roc Nation via a statement. I can only imagine the phones calls that have happened today between X, management and her team. Bless her, she’s probably hungover as fuck after last nights celebrations.
Imagine how Xtina feels this morning! After celebrating the success of the Grammys looking at the media and seeing all this shut for nothing! I could not believe my eyes when I checked my social media this morning.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:22 am
by genie

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:23 am
by ringthealarm
I feel so bad for our girl. How do you even respond to something like this. Ugh... I hope she's surrounded by love tonight. :/

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:23 am
by wellokaythen
BYC wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:08 am
As far as I’m concerned Christina won this already. As I said earlier, LSA will drag Queen at any given moment and my post there with her open letter has over 300 likes and the comments are in her favor. That’s never happened. My thought this morning is that Christina should stay quiet as she always does and ban any future questions about this nutcase.
I hope you're right bb, I just feel like it's only hardcore pop stans who will know the true tea regarding X's previous supportive posts. A lot of more casual folks will just see the news story, not be able to verify it, and then assume there's truth to Britney's bullshit ramblings.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:26 am
by Milan
It seems the public -except some Britney fans- is siding with Christina, so that's good. Hopefully, if Christina does decide to speak out, she will come out with something thoughtful and positive to put and end to it.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:27 am
by Agugaga
Angelopoulopoulous wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:21 am
ChicoXtina wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:14 am Just seen this. My god. My jaw is legit on the floor. I agree with those that X should stay quite. If anything is gonna be said it needs to be from Roc Nation via a statement. I can only imagine the phones calls that have happened today between X, management and her team. Bless her, she’s probably hungover as fuck after last nights celebrations.
Imagine how Xtina feels this morning! After celebrating the success of the Grammys looking at the media and seeing all this shut for nothing! I could not believe my eyes when I checked my social media this morning.
Lol Christina goes through this every era honey. Stop trying to blow things outta order. Remember how the “Back to Basics” era kicked off with that infamous Mariah fued? And every era since then. This is nothing new.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:28 am
by Shiver
Wow practically all the comments under Variety's tweet are either criticising Britney, defending Xtina or dragging Variety for stirring shit up by reporting on an obvious misunderstanding. They say in the article that they've reached out to Christina's publicist. All he has to do is confirm that Christina was running super late and the video itself backs him up. I'm also glad that, like me, lots of people thought Xtina glancing back at get publicist was in response to him saying they had to go inside not some hidden code to "save her from the question"

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:31 am
by BYC
wellokaythen wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:23 am
I hope you're right bb, I just feel like it's only hardcore pop stans who will know the true tea regarding X's previous supportive posts. A lot of more casual folks will just see the news story, not be able to verify it, and then assume there's truth to Britney's bullshit ramblings.

I don’t even think most ppl need the background info. Christina said in the clip she was happy for her. I see a lot of ppl saying that was enough. I could be wrong but I believe most ppl are just using common sense here.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:31 am
by Anitta
Faithy wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:20 pm I love how Xtina is posting away on IG right now without a care in the world hahahahaha
This is what I hope she keeps doing. Don't feed the troll, don't give her or this situation any more attention, take the high road.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:34 am
by Angelopoulopoulous
Agugaga wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:27 am
Angelopoulopoulous wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:21 am
ChicoXtina wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:14 am Just seen this. My god. My jaw is legit on the floor. I agree with those that X should stay quite. If anything is gonna be said it needs to be from Roc Nation via a statement. I can only imagine the phones calls that have happened today between X, management and her team. Bless her, she’s probably hungover as fuck after last nights celebrations.
Imagine how Xtina feels this morning! After celebrating the success of the Grammys looking at the media and seeing all this shut for nothing! I could not believe my eyes when I checked my social media this morning.
Lol Christina goes through this every era honey. Stop trying to blow things outta order. Remember how the “Back to Basics” era kicked off with that infamous Mariah fued? And every era since then. This is nothing new.
And that's why it hurts even more! Because it happened many times before. Can you imagine going to work and having to watch your back all the time?

I am just glad that Xtina has a good support system around her.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:34 am
by Anitta
pato wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:21 pm br*tney is JEALOUS xtina is there doing her thing. gosh i'm mad lol
I honestly felt so too. Brenti is mad that her peers get to continue doing their thing, especially her #1 rival (according to the media and some fans), while she's picking up the pieces of her life.

And YES I'M MAD TOO. I woke up to this mess and I'm so pissed cuz Xtina has been so unproblematic and sweet for the past years and she's just working on her stuff and doing her thing.

I can't at Bronti expecting the entire world to revolve around her and for everyone to keep making statements about her. You are already free, cunt! What else do you want? Nobody but your family owes you anything.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:34 am
by Yummy
Shiver wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:28 am Wow practically all the comments under Variety's tweet are either criticising Britney, defending Xtina or dragging Variety for stirring shit up by reporting on an obvious misunderstanding. They say in the article that they've reached out to Christina's publicist. All he has to do is confirm that Christina was running super late and the video itself backs him up. I'm also glad that, like me, lots of people thought Xtina glancing back at get publicist was in response to him saying they had to go inside not some hidden code to "save her from the question"

Stans go the f*ck in and don't forget to add #PaMisMuchachas

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:35 am
by wellokaythen
I just can't believe Britney did this right in the middle of Christina's new era, and especially right after a great performance that got nothing but praise and adulation. Now the Latin Grammys have been overshadowed by this BS. Britney's put Christina in a lose-lose situation, because honestly there's nothing Christina can do to make it better. If X ignores it then that will be framed as proving Britney's dishonest point because it will feed in to the "Xtina is refusing to speak out" narrative. But if Xtina responds to it publicly then a) it legitimises the drama and gives it oxygen as a news story and b) it will come across as defensive. Both shitty options. I feel not saying anything is the better choice though. Anything she says publicly will be twisted and/or used to inflate the story.

Anyways yall I'm just sad for Xtina rn, she did NOT deserve this. Her name is being slandered for literally NOTHING. Maybe the media will get bored quickly for once and this will all blow over, but in the meantime it's annoying as fuck. All the positive vibes we've been feeling lately over her new era....both Fighters and Xtina herself deserve to just enjoy the ride of an awesome, critically-praised era *without* any of this dumb drama.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:35 am
by _DC10_
Britney can fuck off. When has she ever used her platform and voice to speak up for others?

When has she ever gone to bat for Christina who has gone through her own struggles in the public spotlight?

Nothing but self entitlement. She’s in for a rude awakening when she realises the world does not resolve around her.

You won the fight. You’re free. Now get off social media, attacking people for no reason and enjoy your life and money.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:35 am
by Jamert
Camtina2 wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:03 am Nathy is a RIDE OR DIE. She posted AGAIN about the Latin Grammy performance on her Twitter and IG.

Will forever Stan.
She also commented again on Xtina IG post (hours after her initial comment) to say: WE LOVE YOU QUEEN :cupid: :cupid:

That's the kind of talented women we should appreciate

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:36 am
by George
This is sad.

Hopefully Christina’s team will ban all Britney questions from now on.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:36 am
by _DC10_
Luckily the GP seem to be on Christina’s side. I have a feeling Britney is going to be the cause of her own downfall in the next few months.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:38 am
by wellokaythen
Anitta wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:34 amI woke up to this mess and I'm so pissed cuz Xtina has been so unproblematic and sweet for the past years and she's just working on her stuff and doing her thing.
THIS. :cry:

Also I'm annoyed because this Spanish project has been such an awesome, fun, drama-free era so far and it sucks to have the positive vibes derailed by such a stupid untruth.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:38 am
by Shiver
This puts everything into context. The woman had already told them to get the hell inside before the Britney question ever came up

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:39 am
by ChicoXtina
Props to Sam at ThatGrapeJuice, they know what’s up. ... vatorship/

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:42 am
by Angelopoulopoulous
Shiver wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:28 am Wow practically all the comments under Variety's tweet are either criticising Britney, defending Xtina or dragging Variety for stirring shit up by reporting on an obvious misunderstanding. They say in the article that they've reached out to Christina's publicist. All he has to do is confirm that Christina was running super late and the video itself backs him up. I'm also glad that, like me, lots of people thought Xtina glancing back at get publicist was in response to him saying they had to go inside not some hidden code to "save her from the question"

Yes, I am pleased with the comments supporting Xtina. I added mine.

Re: Britney shades Xtina in instagram, Gaga sticks her ugly nose

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:44 am
by Slayer4Xtina
AintNoOtherMe! wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:07 am Living legend shouldn’t have posted about Gaga right after, it made Christina look bad and I guess this was her intention. Christina can’t catch a break!
No… What she needs is her meds.